When Should I Start Social Security? Part II

When Should I Start Social Security? Part II

written by, Conrad Slate The most misunderstood but highly important factor is the advantage of waiting.  It is not for everyone, but each month you wait beyond your Social Security Full Retirement Age (FRA) your benefit increases 2/3 of one percent.  That’s a...
When Should I Start Social Security? Part I

When Should I Start Social Security? Part I

written by Conrad Slate That is one of the most common questions we hear in our planning process.    The following statements are common when considering the question above:  I looked at my statement and it’s only $XXX monthly difference if I start now.  Why wait...
Your Guide to Working While on Social Security

Your Guide to Working While on Social Security

Millions of people who receive Social Security benefits are retired workers who depend on the program for a substantial portion of their total income. But many other Social Security takers are actually not yet retired, choosing to work while they receive monthly...